SANFL Schools Competition

The SANFL Schools Competition is a metropolitan based competition aimed at providing a fun, safe, inclusive, and introductory environment for all primary school children in years 2 – 6.  The competition will provide all participants an enjoyable and safe competition whilst enhancing their football and team skills.

CompetitionsNominations for our Term 2 competitions have now closed. Term 3 Nominations are open, you can find more information about the competition below. We will be releasing an All Girls Competition shortly that will run in Term 4.CostSchools can either choose to pay a team fee or have individual students pay their own registration fees.Standard CompetitionIndividual fee: $45.00 (participants pay)ORTeam fee: $400.00 (School is invoiced)

6 Week CompetitionIndividual fee: $30.00 (participants pay)ORTeam fee: $275.00 (school is invoiced)Wanting to participate in 2024?
Tell us how many teams and the competitions your school wants to play in by lodging an ‘official nomination form’
(link to official nomination form).

If you have any other enquiries or require additional support please contact:

Official Team Nomination Form here.


North Adelaide Wednesday After School CompetitionLocation: LJ Lewis Reserve, Northfield SA 5085Times: 4pmDates: July 31st – September 4thProgram type: Gala Day (optional) + 6 week competitionContact:

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