SANFL has partnered with the AFL and South Australian Government to launch a South Australian Football Facilities Fund, to create welcoming and inclusive facilities for our football communities.
From state to local grassroots venues, the Fund will enhance the capacity of facilities and football infrastructure for all user groups.
The creation of this Fund will enable SANFL, AFL and State Government to achieve our shared strategic vision of creating welcoming facilities, particularly through provision of all gender changerooms for players, officials and umpires, as well as maximising venue capacities by improving quality of ovals, lighting and supporting infrastructure.
The SA Football Facilities Fund provides funding to assist local governments, Australian Rules football clubs, umpiring associations, schools and tertiary education institutions to develop Australian Rules football facilities across South Australia.
The aim of the program is to:
42 clubs, representing 17 per cent of football clubs in SA, were recipients of the first round of grants. 28 metropolitan/Greater Adelaide and 14 regional projects were successful in receiving grants, from Lock on the Eyre Peninsula through to Mt Gambier in the Lower South East.
CLICK HERE to view the full list of recipients in Round One.
Round Two closed on 5 February 2025, with announcements due in early April.
Documents and information below are provided as a guide for future rounds of the fund, but may be subject to change.
The total budget for the SA Football Facilities Fund is $8,000,000 over three years.
Potential grant amounts available are as follows:
Project Scope | Maximum Grant |
Strategic Project - Changerooms |
$150,000 |
Strategic Project - Lighting |
$75,000 |
Strategic Project - Lighting (Lumin Upgrade) |
50% of total project cost, capped at $75,000 |
Strategic Project - Turf (Reconstruction or New Oval) |
$150,000 |
Strategic Project - Turf (Irrigation, Drainage Upgrade etc) |
50% of total project cost, capped at $75,000 |
Supporting Infrastructure - Goal Posts, Backing Nets, Timekeepers, Interchange and Coaches Boxes |
50% of total project cost, capped at $50,000 |
Supporting Infrastructure - Scoreboards |
50% of total project cost, capped at $25,000 |
Please note the following dates to provide applicants with a guide for forward planning.
Round Two | 2024/25 - NOW CLOSED | Round Three | 2025/26* |
Opens: Wednesday 21 August 2024 | Opens: August 2025 |
Closes: Wednesday 5 February 2025 | Closes: February 2026 |
Announcement: Early April 2025 | Announcement: Early April 2026 |
Projects that receive funding through the SA Football Facilities Fund (SAFFF) are still eligible to apply for a grant through the ORSR Community Infrastructure Fund, however the funding received from SAFFF cannot form part of the 50% contribution towards overall project costs.
While formal landowner consent is not required to submit an application, engagement with project stakeholders, including asset owners forms 10% of the overall assessment criteria.
Local councils and other asset owners are critical stakeholders in the projects expected to be delivered as part of this fund, and it is important for applicants to demonstrate how they have engaged these bodies in their planning.
We encourage applicants to upload evidence of engagement with the landowner (ie: consent form or letter of support) as part of the supporting documents in the application.
Standalone projects for spectator amenities such as shelters, BBQ areas, canteens etc. are not eligible for funding.
However, overall venue projects which include changerooms and pavilion which may also contain elements of these are eligible.
Applying organisations should only apply for one grant in any grant round.
Applicants may group projects into a single application however maximum funding amounts still apply.
Organisations may apply for grants in each round of the fund, however projects that have been funded in a previous round will not be eligible for funding in subsequent rounds.
Applicants should consider their priorities when applying for funding, as we expect the fund to be over-subscribed and are unlikely to be able to fund multiple grants at a single venue.
As a guide, small projects should be delivered and acquitted within 12 months of the project being funded.
Larger projects delivery timeframes will vary depending on the maturity of the planning and funding secured, however regular reporting will be required to monitor progress towards project commencement/completion.
Generally payment of grant funds will be made upon completion of the project and submission of required reporting/acquittal documents.
Payment may be made earlier in certain circumstances, however will be negotiated with the recipient on a case-by-case basis.
To strengthen the potential outcomes from the Fund for communities, interested parties should engage with SANFL as early as possible to develop proposals that strongly align with the key objectives.
Fill out the form below to register your interest, and a member of the SANFL Infrastructure & Government Relations team will get in touch to discuss your project.
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